Blimp was created to combine the diverse backgrounds of its two creators and push the limits of a definitive brand to new levels. Influenced by cars and motorsports, Blimp’s  brand concept is to be enjoyed by all people, regardless of age, gender or race.

Blimpは、2人のクリエイターの多様なバックグラウンドを融合し、決定的なブランドの限界を新たなレベルに押し上げるために生まれました。 車やモータースポーツから影響を受けたBlimpのブランドコンセプトは、年齢、性別、人種を問わず、すべての人に楽しんでもらうことです。

“Our goal for Blimp is to create strong conceptual clothing that is not only authentic to our interests but also cohesive with our vision... Whether it’s motorsport oriented or not, we want our designs to emulate that nostalgic feeling that everyone experiences throughout  their own lives.”

︎    THE WALL CO., LTD. ©2022