GHOSPELL, the sister brand of SISTER JANE, originated in London and is characterized by its bohemian and urban mix taste that matches the modern lifestyle.
The GHOSPELL girl is a girl born and raised in an urban environment who dresses in an Ivy look. They are rebellious, yet sophisticated and relaxed at the same time. Like SISTER JANE, the brand has a new collection every 6 weeks, with timely MD delivery within 45 days of placing an order. The schedule aspect is also a major strength of the brand management.
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SISTER JANEの姉妹ブランドGHOSPELLは、ロンドン発祥のブランドで、現代のライフスタイルに合致した、ボヘミアン×アーバンミックスのテイストが特徴的。
SISTER JANE同様、6週間毎に新しいコレクションを展開し、発注後45日で納品されるタイムリーなMD