JUUKIFF is a knitwear brand by two graduates of Central Saint Martin's knitwear department.
The brand was launched in the 2024 SS.
Based in South Korea, the designs combine technology and craftsmanship,
The brand is a knit underwear brand that combines technology and craftsmanship with purposeful manufacturing.
We focus on 'ESSENTIALISM' and It prioritises
the comfort of the wearer and the wellbeing of the planet, and carefully selects the materials it uses.
Because humanity and friendliness are important to our brand, sustainability of the production environment and in everyday life.
practical value in everyday life.
Our garments are simple yet elegant, with a silhouette and pattern that is wearable.
The clothes are simple yet elegant, with a focus on the silhouette and pattern when worn.
The designs are unadorned and offer a sense of wearable possibilities.
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「JUUKIFF」は、セントラル・セント・マーチンのニットウェア専攻を卒業した韓国人のJOOMI HAと、
同学校を卒業した日本人のRUKA KAWAIの二人が手掛ける
私たちが重視するのは、「本質主義(ESSENTIALISM)」であり、 それは着る人の快適さと地球のウェルビーイングを優先し、使用する素材を厳選しています。