
Founded in 2017 by Vanissa Antonious, footwear brand NEOUS launched its bag collection in 2020.
With roots in Egypt, the designer has also worked as an editor for Harper's Bazaar in Australia and the UK, and her designs feature unique silhouettes inspired by architecture and sculpture.

Combining high quality, practicality, and timeless elegance, the brand is committed to sustainability in terms of craftsmanship, and all the leather used for its bags and shoes is derived from by-products.
All leathers used for bags and shoes are by-products of the by-products. All products are made by Italian craftsmen and designed with the idea of post-purchase repair in mind, and are now available worldwide as items that will be loved for a long time.


Vanissa Antoniousによって2017年に設立されたフットウェアブランドのNEOUSは、2020年よりバッグコレクションをローンチ。エジプトにルーツを持つデザイナーは、オーストラリアとイギリスのHarper‘s Bazaarでエディターの経験もあり、デザインは建築や彫刻からインスピレーションを受けたユニークなシルエットを特徴としている。


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