Influenced by his grandfather, a leather shoe designer, and his uncle, a painter from Parsons School of Design, he started his career in design while still in college. He studied patterning and sewing at a double school, and after graduating, he worked at TARO HORIUCHI. After graduating, she worked at TARO HORIUCHI and then moved to Europe, where she gained experience as a design assistant at JEANPAULKNOTT and Phoebe Philo's CELINE.
After returning to Japan, she established "SATORU SASAKI" in the spring/summer of 2020. With the brand concept of "creating clothes that make women admire men," he creates designs that are both feminine and masculine at the same time.
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After returning to Japan, she established "SATORU SASAKI" in the spring/summer of 2020. With the brand concept of "creating clothes that make women admire men," he creates designs that are both feminine and masculine at the same time.
Inquire Here
革靴のデザイナーだった祖父やパーソンズ美術大学出身の画家である叔父に影響を受け、大学在学中にデザインの道に進む。ダブルスクールにてパターンと縫製を学び、卒業後は「TARO HORIUCHI」に在籍。その後渡欧し 「JEANPAULKNOTT」、フィービー・ファイロ手掛ける「CELINE」でデザインアシスタントとして経験を積んだ。
帰国後、2020年春夏「SATORU SASAKI」を設立。『男性も憧れる女性を作る服」をブランドコンセプトに、フェミニンとマスキュリンを同時に合わせ持つデザインで作品を展開する。
帰国後、2020年春夏「SATORU SASAKI」を設立。『男性も憧れる女性を作る服」をブランドコンセプトに、フェミニンとマスキュリンを同時に合わせ持つデザインで作品を展開する。